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September Newsletter


This month’s dinner meeting is being hosted by The Grange. Turkey dinner, yay! Our August dinner chef was Zach Perron, and the pork was amazing! Thank you!

Our Thursday, September 15th meeting, the Bar opens at 5:30, dinner is served at 6:15, and the meeting begins at 7 sharp. Hope to see you there.

v *Old Days is upon us! All the volunteer slots have been filled and we want to thank all of you for stepping in to help make this weekend run smoothly! It would not happen without you, and we are thankful for your volunteer spirit! The club cleanup day is Sunday, September 18th and we hope you will consider joining us to make the club sparkle. The start time is 9am.

If anyone would like to dress up in period “Old Days” costume during the celebration weekend, please do so! It would be fun to see the spirit of the old west shine for our visitors.

On Friday September 23rd, the annual Chili Cook-Off begins with the bar opening at 5pm, dinner served at 6pm, and the Fossils playing at 7pm. Last year was super fun! Dinner prices: adults $15.00 and children $10.00.

On Saturday, September 24th, the Classic Car Show, and the Artisan Faire begin at 9am. There is a History Walking Tour that begins at noon in front of the club on Saturday and Sunday. Directly afterward, you will have the option to continue with a Walking Cemetery History Tour. Tri-tip sandwiches will be served at the club beginning at 11:30am, beer and wine bar will be open also. The Saturday night dinner dance at the club begins with the bar opening at 5:30pm, dinner served at 6pm, and The Agin Brothers playing at 7pm. Tickets for the dinner dance will only be sold at the door. The cost is $25.00 for members and $30.00 for non-members.

On Sunday, September 25th, the parade starts at 10am. It begins at Olga Reed School and travels down Centennial Street towards Bell. There will be food trucks in the parking lot of the club and the bar will be open. Music by Jay Turner begins at 11am. The Artisan Faire begins at 9am in Ferrini Park.

v Due to the process of obtaining our full-time liquor license – October will be a dry month. We have a 30-day time frame, where we are not allowed to sell, serve, or drink alcohol on the club premises. We are considering holding our October general membership meeting in another location. If you have any ideas, please share them at the meeting on September 15th.

v Recently, the club was unable to provide dumpster space for our renters due to someone using it without permission. We would like to remind everyone that the dumpster at the club is for the club's use only. We are booked every weekend and it takes all the room in the dumpster to accommodate our tenants.

v The Seniors (adult) beverage raffle is being postponed until our December Christmas dinner. Please consider donating to a great cause. All donations can be delivered to the bar (Zach Perron) between now and then.

v Bingo!! There is a bingo Friday, September 16th benefiting Science Camp for our local children. For more information, you can contact Shirley Williams 805-478-0789. Help support a great cause and have fun doing it!

* Los Alamos Seniors - Board meeting September 21st at 1:00pm - members welcome to sit in at the meeting.

Movie Night at the Center-- Friday, September 16th at 6:00pm

Grannies Attic Rummage Sale - Friday, Sept 9 (Noon to 6) and Sat., Sept 10 (8am to noon) We are asking for volunteers to help set up on Thursday at 11:00 am and volunteers to help on Friday and Saturday with the sale. Also, people can donate items for the sale. No junk, please. Contributions can be left at Senior Center, Tuesdays 10-1, Wednesdays, 10-12, and Thursdays 10-12. People can contact Sandee Adams (805-344-5053) or Kathy Christoferson (805-344-1931) to make other arrangements.

v We are needing someone who would love to write grants for us.

v We need someone good at making posters or who has advertising experience.

**Maker’s Son has extended their Industry Night (every Thursday night from 5-9) to LAVMC members! Just mention to your server that you’re a member and you will receive discounts on their delicious signature hamburger, cocktails, and corkage!

***Chicken Poop Bingo – Olga Reed Elementary School PTSA is selling squares for $5.00 each. The first poop is worth $300.00, the second is worth $200.00, and last but not least, the third poop is worth $100.00. Bingo takes place on Sunday, September 25 at noon.

Ø Amazon Smile – The Los Alamos Valley Men’s Club is a donation option for Amazon Smile. Go to to choose the Los Alamos Valley Men’s Club as your donation choice. When you place your orders through a percentage will be automatically donated to the club.

Ø Just an FYI - The club is the official Red Cross Evacuation Center for Los Alamos.

Ø Our Venmo account: @lavmc – one-time code of (6337)

Ø Our bar has set hours from 5:30 to 11 for club events. You may also now pay with a credit card when making purchases! Drink cards are available for $60.00 but, you could win a free one if you refer a friend and they become a member.

** A reminder: our board meetings are on the first Thursday of the month and member meetings are on the third Thursday.

** If you have community information you would like to have included in our newsletter, please contact Kristy @ to submit.

** Next General meeting September 15th – Bar open at 5:30, Dinner at 6:15, and meeting at 7 sharp.

September 15th – Meeting

September 16th – Bingo supporting Science Camp

Old Days – September 23, 24, & 25

October – Dry month


March 31st – Cook Your Own

April 22nd – Spring Fling

May 19th – Cook Your Own

August 25th – Cook Your Own

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