June Newsletter 2022
Hello to all our new members! We are happy to have you join us!
This month’s dinner meeting is being hosted by Barbara Landon. Our May dinner chefs were the Bakkes and the tacos were absolutely amazing - thank you!
For our Thursday, June 16th meeting, the Bar opens at 5:30, dinner is served at 6:15 and the meeting begins at 7 sharp. Hope to see you there.
Amazon Smile – The Los Alamos Valley Men’s Club is a donation option for Amazon Smile. Go to Smile.amazon.com/charity/select to choose the Los Alamos Valley Men’s Club as your donation choice. When you place your orders through smile.amazon.com a percentage will be automatically donated to the club.
Just an FYI - The club is the official Red Cross Evacuation Center for Los Alamos.
Our club and town lost one of our hardest working volunteers, this month. Shorty Rantz passed peacefully, surrounded by his loving family on May 28th, 2022. Shorty and his wife Jackie, both held numerous officer positions and dedicated thousands of hours to the club over the years. Their sense of community and selfless dedication to our town, club, and especially our youth, was unparalleled. The lives they touched and made better with their kind hearts and service-oriented dedication will be greatly missed by everyone. Rest in Peace Shorty. We will do our very best to keep moving forward with the community service-oriented example you and Jackie so tirelessly espoused for us by example. Sending lots of love to the Rantz family.
We will be partnering with other groups to aid in increasing our membership. Keep an eye out for some new incentives and new friends joining us! Referring a friend could win you a free drink card! The membership committee chairperson is Zach Perron if you have any questions or would like to participate. Our membership has increased dramatically, and we are pushing forward to gather even more!
The fourth Old Days Planning Committee meeting was held on June 6th. We have all our committee chairs in place and now need workers! If you can help during Old Days weekend, there will be a sign-up sheet at our next meeting. A new event is being added this year. A history tour of Los Alamos and some of the main attractions and older buildings will be included in a guided tour. There are two times available. Saturday at noon and Sunday at Noon. We will have a petting zoo which will be manned by Righetti FFA kids. There will be Giant Jenga and bean bag toss in the sideyard of the Men’s Club for the kids. There are food trucks in our club parking lot on Sunday, music inside, bar open and lots of other fun stuff going on. Remember – we can’t make it happen without you! Please sign up at the next meeting for a shift or two! We depend on you for a seamless weekend of fun!
The next Old Days planning meeting will be held July 11th at 6 p.m. at the club. If you can help in any way, please join us in July. We will be meeting twice a month from July through September. We appreciate all the help we can get!
Cook Your Own – Our next CYO will be held on June 24th at the club. Member tickets are $20.00 and non-members are $25.00. Music is being provided by Pete Ruiz of Class Act Dj Services. Doors/Bar open at 5:30 pm, dinner is served at 6 pm, and music begins at 7 pm. A movie and popcorn will be provided for the kids. A fish option is available. All tickets are presale only. No tickets will be sold at the door. You may pay for your tickets by the June 21st deadline by using Venmo @lavmc – one-time code of (6337). You must write fish or beef in the memo line. Or you may pay before June 21st with cash or check to Kristy Williams, Shirley Williams, or Raymond Williams. We hope to see you there!
Our bar has new set hours from 5:30 to 11 for club events. You may also now pay with a credit card when making purchases! Drink cards are available for $60.00 but, you could win a free one if you refer a friend and they become a member.
The county is working with several organizations and city governments to better understand and identify the broadband infrastructure needs in our area. The plan will be completed at the end of 2022 and then the alliance will seek funding opportunities for projects to improve internet access. If you are able to take the survey and speed test located at this address www.SBCAG.org/broadband - please do so. The data they gather will aid in identifying the areas most in need. If you know someone who does not have internet or access to equipment to take this survey, then they can call 805-961-8902 to report why.
Spring Fling was a giant success! This is our biggest fundraiser of the year, and it did not disappoint. We raised more funds this year than last. A full report will give details at our next meeting. Thank you to our President Kim Iness for all her hard work and all the many volunteers!
Music in the Park is scheduled for Friday, July 29. It’s a bring your own food, drinks, snacks, chair, and blanket event. Come get to know your neighbors and enjoy an evening listening to live music. The Fossils will be playing, and they are amazing! Looking forward to seeing you all there!
*The Los Alamos Seniors are holding their monthly produce day Wednesday, June 8th from 3 pm to 4 pm at the Senior Center located at 690 Bell St. Produce is donated by the Food Bank and People Helping People. This is a monthly event.
**Maker’s Son has extended their Industry Night (every Thursday night from 5-9) to LAVMC members! Just mention to your server that you’re a member and you will receive discounts on their delicious signature hamburger, cocktails, and corkage!
***Peace of Mind: 10,000 steps in the right direction. Alma Rosa Winery is holding its second annual fundraiser to support mental health, on July 23, 2022. The money raised is split between Mental Wellness Center and One Mind. The owners of Alma Rosa and sponsors of the event will double all donations made through Peace of Mind up to 35,000.00 for each charity, for a total of 70,000.00. The event is 10,000 steps/4.5 miles across the Alma Rosa Estate. For more information: https://runsignup.com/Race/CA/Buellton/PeaceofMind10000StepsintheRightDirection
*** Membership
** Get those dues in soon!
** A reminder: our board meetings are on the first Thursday of the month and member meetings are on the third Thursday.
** If you have community information you would like to have included in our newsletter, please contact Kristy @ gnesa@aol.com to submit.
** Next General meeting June 16th – Bar open at 5:30, Dinner at 6:15, and meeting at 7 sharp.
June 16th – Meeting
CYO – June 24th
July 29 – Music in the Park – The Fossils
Old Days – September 23, 24, & 25