Our December 16th general meeting was super fun, and the food was awesome! Christmas dinner was served by Whiskey Bent BBQ and our new officers were sworn in. All new and old business was placed on hold until our January 20th club meeting. Due to illnesses during the holiday season, our first official board meeting was postponed to January 13th. Thankfully, everyone is on the mend and ready to get to work in the new year.
There are several events on the upcoming calendar. There is a club clean-up day scheduled for January 29th from 9 a.m. to noon. Bring your gloves and your smile as there are plenty of things in need of some TLC. Hope to see you there!
The next big calendar event is the building fund bingo scheduled for February 18th. There are many repairs and upgrades in the works for our club. Look for some new windows to be going in soon. The building fund bingo is just one of the ways we will be raising money for future projects. Join us on the 18th for some bingo fun… Hot dogs and nachos will be served, so make sure it is marked on your calendar as a diet cheat day! Pre-sale tickets are $15.00 - at the door $20.00. Tickets will be available from Shirley, Kim, Kristy, and Sandra before the event. We are in need of game sponsors, bake sale items and raffle donations. Contact Shirley Williams for more information at 805-478-0789.
In March, there will be a blood drive held at the Men’s Club. More information and times will follow as they become available.
If you joined us at our last ‘Cook your own” and had a great time – then you will be happy to know the next one is scheduled for March 25th.
Reminder that membership dues must be in by January 31,2022.
Community West Bank will be hosting a “Meet & Greet” at the club on January 27th at 6:30. Beginning in January 2022, Community West will be our new banking partners. Please join us in introducing ourselves and our club.
*** Membership
Membership dues must be in by January 31, 2022.
** A reminder: our board meetings are the first Thursday of the month and member meetings are the third Thursday.
** If you have community information you would like to have included in our newsletter, please contact Kristy @ gnesa@aol.com to submit.
** Next General meeting January 20th.
January 20 – Club General Meeting
January 27 - Community West Bank Meet & Greet 6:30
January 29 - Club Clean-Up Day 9-noon
February 3 – Board Meeting
February 17 – Club General Meeting
February 18 - BB Building Fund Bingo (Need sponsors and donations)
March 3 – Board Meeting
March 6 – Blood Drive
March 25 - Cook Your Own