Howdy LAVMC Members! There is so much to share this month it is hard to decide where to begin. Thank you to the Iness and Kopcrak families for knocking it out of the park with a dinner of hot dogs and all the fixings. The potato salad was especially delicious! This month we have a blood drive, a cook your own dinner, table branding for the new tables in the back, and we are just over a month and a half away from our Old Days celebration. A lot of hard work is being put in by members all around, so thank you to all of you that work diligently and volunteer your talents to the club. Without volunteers, this club cannot run!
Calling ALL donors! Vitalant is coming back this month for a blood drive and they have so graciously agreed to come during our general membership meeting! They will be in our parking lot on August 17th from 4pm-6:45pm. Sign ups are online at the link below, or you can call (877) 25 VITAL. To add to the excitement we are putting the names of anyone who donates in a drawing for two separate drink cards for the bar. Perfect timing for Old Days!
Table Branding We had nineteen generous donors sponsor a table during this year’s Spring Fling event in order to help cover the costs of updating our back area. With that, we created our own LAVMC brand that will go on the tables with plaques from each of the donors. If you sponsored a table and would like to bring your own brand to place on your table, we have two opportunities for branding. The first opportunity will be during this month’s membership meeting from 5:30 to 6:30 and the second opportunity will be during our August Cook Your Own on August 25th. If you haven’t spoken to Kristy ( about what you would like your table plaque to have on it, please reach out to her as soon as possible!
Cook Your Own August 25th is the date for this month’s Cook Your Own rescheduled from May. If you reserved dinners for May’s CYO and would like to use them, please let Kylin ( know. If you haven’t reserved dinners yet but would like to, please fill out the form below or reach out to Kristy, Ray, or Shirley. Summer is wrapping up, what better way to celebrate than with a CYO?
How Can You Help? We need four volunteers to help with this month’s CYO in exchange for a meal on us. Two volunteers will be serving dinner and the other two will be cleaning up. Complete the form at the link below if you are interested. We are looking for a handful of volunteers to bartend during the day at our Old Days celebration. We need help from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and you can sign up to help with any time increment that you like. Two people behind the bar at a time is more fun, so ask a member friend to bartend with you! If you are interested in volunteering reach out to Kristy (
Old Days 2023 ‘Red, White, & Country’
Hats are in! We will have hats available for purchase at the general membership meeting on August 17th- hats are $25 each and will accessorize any Old Days outfits you might have planned already.
The Old Days Car Show Event Date: September 23rd Time: 9am to 3pm, check-in starts at 7am Fee: $35/ entry
The Old Days Artisan Mart ON BELL STREET Event Date: September 23rd & 24th Time: 9am to 5pm, check-in starts at 7am Booths need to be set-up by 8:30am Single Day Fee: $50/ space (either day) Full-Weekend Fee: $80/ space
The Old Days Book Ads Entry Due Date: August 20th Business Card Ad: $ 58/ non-member & $ 52/ member Half-Page Ad: $ 98/ non-member & $ 87/ member Full-Page Ad: $ 167/ non-member & $ 150/ member Full Page Premium: $TBD Centerfold (2 pages): $TBD
The Old Days Parade Entry Due Date: September 18th Event Date: September 24th Time: 11am, check-in between 10am and 10:45am Entry Fee: $15/ entry
Community & Donation Updates Since last September we have donated nearly $29,000 to various organizations within our community. Click the button below to see a list of ALL of our donors.
Upcoming Club Events August 17th, 4pm- Vitalant Blood Drive @ the club August 17th, 5:30 to 6:30- Table Branding for Table Sponsors August 17th, 7pm - General Membership Meeting August 25th, 6pm - Cook Your Own Dinner August 25th, 5pm to 6pm - second opportunity for table brand September 22nd - 24th - Old Days Weekend
Community Events August 30th- Community Meeting with Supervisor Bob Nelson Zumba - Mondays & Wednesdays 6:30pm at the Men's Club Painting/ Crafting - Tuesdays 10am to 1pm at the Senior Center BUNCO - Every 4th Tuesday at 2pm at the Senior Center Quilting/ Sewing - Wednesdays 10am to 1pm at the Senior Center Bingo & Potluck - Every 1st Thursday at 6pm at the Senior Center Rancho La Familia Veggie Stand - Thursdays in front of the Depot Bar
Do You Have Old Days Books?
Our history committee is looking for a few Old Days books for their archives. They are in search of books from 2016, 2014, 1984 and all booklets for the years 1966-1977. If you have a copy you would like to donate, the history committee would be thrilled to have it! If you would rather loan it to them, they can copy it as well. Please bring them to the next meeting or reach out to a history committee member if you have them. We thank you in advance for your efforts.
Upcoming Committee Meetings Old Days Committee - Third Monday of the month at 6:30pm History Committee - First Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm
Dumpster Usage: The dumpster at the club is for the club's use only. We are booked every weekend and it takes all the room in the dumpster to accommodate our renters. Los Alamos Red Cross Evacuation Center: The Los Alamos Valley Mens Club at 429 Leslie St, Los Alamos, CA Our Venmo account: @lavmc Bar Hours for Club Events: 5:30pm to 11pm (Pay with Credit Card, Venmo, or Cash) Membership Fees: If you haven’t yet, don’t forget to pay your 2023 dues! Payment is accepted via check, cash, or Venmo. Please be sure to state clearly in a check memo or on Venmo what the payment is regarding by notating “2023 Membership Fee” and any other details we may need to know. Drink Cards: Drink cards are only available at General Membership meetings for $60. Refer a friend as a new member to be entered in a raffle to get a free drink card! Board Meetings: First Thursday of the month at 6:30pm General Membership Meetings: Third Thursday of the Month at 7pm (Bar opens at 5:30pm, Dinner is served at 6:15pm) Next General meeting August 17th: Bar will open at 5:30pm, Dinner at 6:15pm, and meeting at 7pm sharp.